Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cool Interactiveness (OMGZ)

I have created a menu system, inspired by:
- xkcd's hilbert curve
- Dasher

- KDE's QuickLaunch toolbar ("Most Popular Application" mode)
-- help:/kicker/launcher-applet.html (not documented)

It can be found at:

Each time you click on a link, it will become bigger, but everything will stay
in *roughly* the same place. Check it out for yourself. You can add and
remove links using the link in the top right corner (though the interface
need a bit of polishing). Please do, because I would love to see what it
looks like once a few people have been using it for a while.

Replace YOUR_NAME with something memorable, and you will automatically get a
new account, with all of the links imported from everyone else.

I will post more updates as I develop more. If someone wants to turn it into a
plasma applet, or a start menu, get in touch. Also, if someone knows how to
use CGI or SQL properly, *HELP ME!*, because my code is a complete mess.


Jenny S-T said...

Icons are annoying because websites are lame and do not make their logos easily hotlinkable. Can you make it easy either to provide a default icon, or to upload one where I have produced a horrible screenshot of their logo?

alsuren said...

Interestingly, I did provide a default icon at one point (the konqueror icon) but it seems somehow less appropriate now, because it is used for the "add link" link.

If you provide a href, but not an icon_url, it will default to href/favicon.ico.

Did I mention that the UI for adding a link is really really shit? *is a n00b at web programming*

I should also check that the href contains :/, so doesn't get accepted (as it's not a URL). Do you know how to do that in javascript?

I think I will also provide a preview screen, with "Please check that the link works, and the icon looks okay".

Noldorin said...

Looking better now. I'll have to get around to writing that JavaScript for you at some point, considering your web design n00biness (nah you're not the bad :P and tbh you're better staying clear of web design anyway). Still, adding :/ to the links to insure that they're URLs using JS in a bad idea... I thought you said python has a URL lib, which ought to be able to do that.

alsuren said...

Possibly, but people might want to link to fish://, or some other KIOSlave.

Meh. when I get my computer up and running, I will let *anyone* create their own data engines, with whatever validation they want.

My priorities go like this:
- Computer
- Testing out the interface with *lots* of items. (if you can help with your favourite links, that would be cool.)
- Writing an SQL logging backend for cupsandstring.
- Writing a plasmoid once KDE4 comes out.