Wednesday, August 29, 2007

late nights

Oh god: It would appear that I have stayed up until 2:00 reading
as far as
(std::tr1, which I already know about)

While I know this is quite tragic, a few things have come from it:

function add = <>(x,y) -> int {x+y}

It seems that C++09 is getting pretty much *all* of the cool/useful features
of python (with the possible exceptions of list comprehensions and nested
scopes, which might be possible to implement with some hackery). It remains
statically typed, but you no longer have to be explicit, and you can do duck
typing using 'concept's.

Maybe I will take the time to write a few things using tr1, to get back in
practice. *slightly tempted to try writing a boo/python/rpython compiler that
will output to C++09*

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