Thursday, August 02, 2007

Amarok Moodbar

Is it fitting that the moodbar for
file:///share/music/not/Mariah%20Carey/Butterfly.mp3 is mostly pink?



Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me, I forgot to emerge the moodbar when I unmasked it.

The sad thing is when you start to obtain quite an accurate intuitition as to what the moodbar will look like from listening to the song.

alsuren said...

I just have it there so that I can skip forwards to potentially interesting bits when I'm skimming through deleting shit/boring songs :D

firefly phoenix said...

*wishes she knew what you were on about*

alsuren said...

Amarok moodbar is a visual representation of the music. It's all very hand-wavey, and I don't think it's possible to look at a moodbar and tell what something's going to sound like exactly, but it is useful for identifying key features (like verse-chorus-verse, and breaks/solos) of a song.

for an example, or
for more examples.