Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Progress Report (summary of the things that interest me)


Please comment if there's something in here that looks interesting, or you
want more info on. This is a list of the projects that I am
currently/previously working on, organized by progress. Entries take the

Project name(description):
tasks completed
tasks still to do

cupsandstring.pymsn(text-based msn in <128 lines of python):
works (can send/receive chats, and view a list of online users)
shorten to <128 lines, convert to GNU readline to allow tab completion

cupsandstring.telepathy(text-based multi-protocol in 256 lines):
can list contacts sometimes.
remove references to pymsn. Add incoming/outgoing chats

telepathy-butterfly (connection manager to support cupsandstring):
written a few patches
still keeps doing odd stuff to me, making cupsandstring hard

Windows Vista under QEMU(for development of kde/telepathy under windows):
see previous post (STOP:)
wait for new version of QEMU to officially support it

Windows XP under Qemu:
works, but is unreadable
get a *legal* version which isn't in spanish or portugese

telepathy-tick(DBus: com.Skype.API based telepathy connectionmanager):
not started. the com.Skype.API protocol is well documented though.
start with text chat and presence, then look at concurrent accounts

Left and Right handed mice (so that each hand is using the mouse naturally):
own two appropriate mice
work out how to identify mice *reliably* using evdev in xorg.conf

TheBus(a simplified dbus interface):
discontinued (after I realised how much of a nasty hack it was)
try adding features to existing dbus bindings. see about a pure python lib

Multi-PointerX (multiple people on the same computer at the same time :D ):
got it working a while ago. A lot has happened upstream since then
not tried recently. Doesn't work with nvidia driver. git is a bitch.

KDE4 (once again, just trying it out for now):
works quite well. Even kopete has started compiling and looks swish :D
check up on it periodically. Eventually start hacking telepathy into apps.

Windows package manager (like apt for .msi files rather than .debs)
Not started: Relies on me getting windows working in a vm.

Feedback/questions welcome. We love questions.

1 comment:

Noldorin said...

w00t! Seems like you're rivalling me in the number of concurrent small projects you're interested in. In, the multi-pointer interface is something to pursue... I might even give it a go on Windows some day.